Postcards from Bi visibility Week 2020!

Postcards from Bi visibility Week 2020!

Bisexual Visibility day/week/month/lifetime!

Bisexual Visibility day/week/month/lifetime!

Bisexuals get a minuscule amount of funding because of Biphobia. LGBT+ organisations rarely provide anything specific for bisexuals because of Biphobia.The unique experiences of bisexuals are usually incorporated into LGBT+ reports and stats, but never separated by individual sexual orientation because of Biphobia.Black and POC charities for LGBT+ are terrible at welcoming bisexuals, providing resources for … Continue reading Bisexual Visibility day/week/month/lifetime!
Whose Black Lives Matter?

Whose Black Lives Matter?

Reposted from my personal blog    I was born in 1969, just as the UK switched from Imperial to the Metric system.  One half of my old family were stuck with inches, yards and shillings.  The other half of my family used millimetres and kilograms.  I was stuck exactly in the middle. I learned how … Continue reading Whose Black Lives Matter?
Muslim LGBT+ Pride!

Muslim LGBT+ Pride!

Imaan, the Muslim LGBT+ group are holding their first ever festival!  Tickets are on sale now: and include low-cost tickets of Queer Muslims on a low income.  We at Bisexuals of Colour are so pleased this is happening.  LGBT+ Muslims face racism, queerphobia and Islamaphobia inside and outside of Queer communities.  This is the … Continue reading Muslim LGBT+ Pride!
World AIDS day 2019

World AIDS day 2019

  On #worldaidsday please remember the bisexuals and pansexuals of colour who are demonised as spreaders of sexually transmitted diseases, when the reality is that we face racism and biphobia when trying to access S.T.I help. We experience multiple barriers from medical institutions, from Queer communities and from communities of colour too. It often feels … Continue reading World AIDS day 2019
An open letter to White Middle class BiCon attendees

An open letter to White Middle class BiCon attendees

An open letter to whiteandmiddle class BIcon* attendees.

*   Share wildly, and do not tag, but do credit me: Nila K   ***   *and this means if you go regularly now. But it also means if you don’t go any more because you got to stay for long enough to develop your own community, … Continue reading An open letter to White Middle class BiCon attendees
Connections with my skin – A Guest Post

Connections with my skin – A Guest Post

A guest post from N. Gupta   I have basically a 99% hard limit re ‘no white people as lovers/play partners/fuckbuddies. Because I am done showing/sharing my skin and body with people who have no clue what their white skin means. And no investment in learning *to the level that I need for any encounter … Continue reading Connections with my skin – A Guest Post
Suffering does not build character

Suffering does not build character

This 2017 article in Gal-Dem on self-care, was mostly a positive read, but something really jarred me: the line that read, “The oppression that we face builds character.” NOPE The oppression we face as bisexual people of colour, builds the likelihood of mental distress, anxiety, alienation and depression.  It is no wonder that bisexuals of all ethnicities … Continue reading Suffering does not build character