You Showed, You Told!

You Showed, You Told!

 Show & Tell Bi History was a massive success, thank you everyone who came along today! The library had set us aside a space that could take eight people so ten of us had to bunch up to fit in for two and a half hours of going through the c...
Manchester Pride 2023

Manchester Pride 2023

 We had a great start to our Manchester Pride weekend with the parade day - huge response to us from the crowd and especially to the new BI & PROUD placards we had for the parade. Did you see us and take a photo we could use? Do let us hav...
BiCon 2023

BiCon 2023

I want to BiCon this year at Nottingham Trent University, my 29th BiCon.I’m from Nottingham and have lived there a number of times so I know it quite well even with some layout changes and major changes to some buildings or what they are used for. Weir...
Bisexual bodies

Bisexual bodies

I've been pondering organising a bi visibility day thing at work.All is still quite vague but I'm liking some of the concepts.I'm used to projects being in this stage for a little while. I don't usually write about them where others can see at this sta...
Pan Visibility

Pan Visibility

 Today (24 May) is Pan Visibility Day, when we celebrate one of the labels under the big bi umbrella: pansexuality and panromanticism. That's attraction - sexual or romantic - to people of all genders, and with gender not being a factor in ...