Bisexuality Awareness Training

Bisexuality Awareness Training

What would you include? I am looking to put together a package of training (most likely quite short e.g two hours) for non-bisexual people interested in improving their bisexual offer/services/practices. So, what would you include so that the non-bis are … Continue reading
Adult: Fighting Biphobia

Adult: Fighting Biphobia

From the wonderfully named Manhunt Daily (link is appallingly NSFW):

Plain and simple, this is a site for men who enjoy getting off in the company of other men. Some of these guys also enjoy having sex with women. Some of these men would never dream of touching a vagina. And there are even some men in the latter group who openly admit that they jerk off to straight porn. Human sexuality is a complicated and beautiful thing, and we should accept that it’s more fluid than we could ever imagine.

Also, we should put a fucking lid on all this biphobia bullshit. Most of you have probably blown a bisexual guy or two (or seventeen), and it’s ridiculous to belittle their identity, fantasies and desires. Apologies for getting up on my high horse about this, but it really pisses me off.

You don’t have to click through to look at the pictures in these posts. There are already plenty of dicks on this site. And most importantly, this is still Manhunt. Clearly, the men in these pictures are enjoying getting off together. But they also happen to like pussy.


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Adult: Fighting Biphobia

Adult: Fighting Biphobia

From the wonderfully named Manhunt Daily (link is appallingly NSFW):

Plain and simple, this is a site for men who enjoy getting off in the company of other men. Some of these guys also enjoy having sex with women. Some of these men would never dream of touching a vagina. And there are even some men in the latter group who openly admit that they jerk off to straight porn. Human sexuality is a complicated and beautiful thing, and we should accept that it’s more fluid than we could ever imagine.

Also, we should put a fucking lid on all this biphobia bullshit. Most of you have probably blown a bisexual guy or two (or seventeen), and it’s ridiculous to belittle their identity, fantasies and desires. Apologies for getting up on my high horse about this, but it really pisses me off.

You don’t have to click through to look at the pictures in these posts. There are already plenty of dicks on this site. And most importantly, this is still Manhunt. Clearly, the men in these pictures are enjoying getting off together. But they also happen to like pussy.


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