Bona to vada the word of the Duchess

Bona to vada the word of the Duchess

A frustrating but glorious story on the Beeb here. By way of marking LGBT History Month a trainee priest put together a Christian service in Polari; thus "Glory be to the father, and to the son, and the Holy Spirit" became "Fabeness be to the Auntie, a...
Interview for the LGBT Foundation

Interview for the LGBT Foundation

The LGBT Foundation have been sharing some bi stories, and one of them was mine; this what what it said...When did you first realise you might be bisexual?My sister came to visit and left a copy of Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit on our kitchen table. ...
Mental health and bisexuality

Mental health and bisexuality

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Chicago Now about bisexuality and mental health issues as well as the wider Bi Visibility Day vibe this week. They asked some good questions about bisexual life, and I hope I gave some good answers!Pop over h...