Post-BiTalkia survey

Post-BiTalkia survey

The first BiTalkia duly took place! 23 of us turned up to the Friends’ Meeting House on 23 Feb 2015, for discussion, informal chat, tea & coffee. We’re now collecting feedback from people who were there. Ideally, we’d like to get at least a few words from each of those 23 people. The survey link […]
BiTalkia, Monday 23 Feb 2015: details

BiTalkia, Monday 23 Feb 2015: details

Date Monday 23 February 2015. Start time Doors open 7pm, discussion 7.30 till 8.30, chatting time afterwards. Then washing-up-cups, and out of the room by 10pm. Theme “Fitting & misfitting in the bi community”. Format The hour of discussion will be fairly highly structured, for equal shares of talking time. Mostly in small groups. Couple […]
BiTalkia is go!

BiTalkia is go!

I am thrilled to announce that we now have our first date for BiTalkia! Evening of Monday 23 February 2015, at the Friends’ Meeting House (FMH), with an optional pre-meet leaving the Central Library at 7pm to walk up together. The pre-meet at the library is primarily to address an access concern raised by someone […]