World AIDS day 2019

World AIDS day 2019

  On #worldaidsday please remember the bisexuals and pansexuals of colour who are demonised as spreaders of sexually transmitted diseases, when the reality is that we face racism and biphobia when trying to access S.T.I help. We experience multiple barriers from medical institutions, from Queer communities and from communities of colour too. It often feels … Continue reading World AIDS day 2019
Black Pride 2019 Pics

Black Pride 2019 Pics

Sorry for this being posted so late! If you were to look at most photos from any Pride celebration, you’d think there were zero bisexual people in attendance.  Biphobia from lesbians, gays and straights often mean they’ll snap pics constantly, but suddenly put their cameras down when they see a bisexual group or stall.  See … Continue reading Black Pride 2019 Pics
Suffering does not build character

Suffering does not build character

This 2017 article in Gal-Dem on self-care, was mostly a positive read, but something really jarred me: the line that read, “The oppression that we face builds character.” NOPE The oppression we face as bisexual people of colour, builds the likelihood of mental distress, anxiety, alienation and depression.  It is no wonder that bisexuals of all ethnicities … Continue reading Suffering does not build character