#BlackBiBeauty happened on the 25th March 2017 (Exactly 6 months…

#BlackBiBeauty happened on the 25th March 2017 (Exactly 6 months…

#BlackBiBeauty happened on the 25th March 2017 (Exactly 6 months before Bi Visibility Day! http://www.bivisibilityday.com )

The hashtag was the idea of @TheAngryFanGirl https://theangryfangirl.com who wanted to change the narrative on how black bisexuals are viewed.  

What came through when people tweeted about their experiences was that cisgender black bisexual men are still being blamed for the rise in HIV in black communities, thanks to the awful Down Low misinformation.  Black bisexuals who are also trans and nonbinary people are erased from sight.  Black bisexual cisgender women are often hypersexualised. All these groups of black bisexuals face biphobia from lesbians and gays, as well as racism from white LGBT people.  The alienation we live with from inside and outside of the bisexual communities can lead to a poor quality of life, adverse mental health and a feeling that we are the only ones who are like this.  And that’s where #BlackBiBeauty succeeded - it showed the world that we are not alone.  We exist and we are beautiful in our own unique ways.  It was a pleasure to encourage this event into happening, and to see the positivity and friendships that it spawned in such a short time.  I look forward to the next one!