Pride in London – Advisory Board report questions organisers approach on diversity

Pride in London – Advisory Board report questions organisers approach on diversity

"the current Pride organisers have failed to grasp the importance of diversity, nor of the intersectionalities that many LGBT+ people experience around race, gender, age, disability, and even their sexual orientation and identity" Read More
“Bisexuality does exist, it is not a fiction, nor is it a phase”, my key message to Civil Service equality conference

“Bisexuality does exist, it is not a fiction, nor is it a phase”, my key message to Civil Service equality conference

I had the privilege of giving a keynote address to today’s Civil Service Rainbow Alliance (the national LGB&T staff network) conference at the Ministry of Defence. Also on the programme were Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service; Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions; Liz Bingham, managing Partner at EY; and Peter Tatchell […]
On being bisexual – my appearance on Radio 4

On being bisexual – my appearance on Radio 4

On Monday this week, I accepted an invitation to be interviewed by Eddie Mair on Radio 4’s PM programme ( – minutes 46-52) to give a response to the decision of Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski to come out as bisexual. (  I guess I was asked to appear because I, like Mr Kawczynski, am also an elected […]
Pride on Saturday, see you there!

Pride on Saturday, see you there!

Here's where we're meeting for the parade. Our usual visibility maximising theme is "Wear Purple For Pride", and I have a few purple shirts somewhere, I'm sure (c;View Poll: #1424138Several months ago I sent emails to the organisers asking about Bisexu...