In defence of @PrideinLondon organisers: hateful #TERFs put them in an impossible position, and the @MetPoliceUK were powerless to help.

In defence of @PrideinLondon organisers: hateful #TERFs put them in an impossible position, and the @MetPoliceUK were powerless to help.

A lot has been said, including by many of my friends, about the incursion by a tiny group of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) at the start of Saturday’s Pride in London parade route, and about the apparent failure of the Pride organisers to remove them and to protect trans attendees from seeing their message… Read More
Pride in London and my Queer journey – a personal perspective and response to @LondonLGBTPride

Pride in London and my Queer journey – a personal perspective and response to @LondonLGBTPride

Yesterday’s release of the Community Advisory Board’s annual report into this year’s Pride in London, and the social media storm that followed, was an interesting and painful experience for me. Whilst the wave of euphoria that I have felt supporting the CAB from bi and queer friends, and from those who feel that Pride has… Read More
Pride in London – Advisory Board report questions organisers approach on diversity

Pride in London – Advisory Board report questions organisers approach on diversity

"the current Pride organisers have failed to grasp the importance of diversity, nor of the intersectionalities that many LGBT+ people experience around race, gender, age, disability, and even their sexual orientation and identity" Read More
Bi people having been fighting for LG&T equality for decades – a response to @PhilipHensher

Bi people having been fighting for LG&T equality for decades – a response to @PhilipHensher

In seeing the title of Philip Hensher’s article about the recent LGBT Pride events in London: How the straight majority still silences gay people (21 July 2017), I was looking forward to a thoughtful discourse on how the voices of people marginalised in our society because of their sexual orientation are so often unheard because… Read More
Why today’s #LGBTQ+ #PrideinLondon is a day of mixed emotions for me and for many

Why today’s #LGBTQ+ #PrideinLondon is a day of mixed emotions for me and for many

Today is Pride in London, the United Kingdom’s largest gathering of Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer people together with their allies and friends and others whose life, love, or identity is marked in some way by difference. For me and for many it is a day of great celebration for the achievements of equality… Read More
See It. Hear It. Report It. FA films help rid football of discrimination.

See It. Hear It. Report It. FA films help rid football of discrimination.

We all want to feel welcome and safe at football matches, whether we are on the pitch, in the dugout, or in the stands. Anti-LGBT discrimination, be it ‘banter’ between players and coaches or more blatant chanting from spectators can often lead to us feeling uncomfortable or even threatened. As an FA disciplinary chair and […]
“Bisexuality does exist, it is not a fiction, nor is it a phase”, my key message to Civil Service equality conference

“Bisexuality does exist, it is not a fiction, nor is it a phase”, my key message to Civil Service equality conference

I had the privilege of giving a keynote address to today’s Civil Service Rainbow Alliance (the national LGB&T staff network) conference at the Ministry of Defence. Also on the programme were Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service; Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions; Liz Bingham, managing Partner at EY; and Peter Tatchell […]