Whose Black Lives Matter?

Whose Black Lives Matter?

Reposted from my personal blog    I was born in 1969, just as the UK switched from Imperial to the Metric system.  One half of my old family were stuck with inches, yards and shillings.  The other half of my family used millimetres and kilograms.  I was stuck exactly in the middle. I learned how … Continue reading Whose Black Lives Matter?
Muslim LGBT+ Pride!

Muslim LGBT+ Pride!

Imaan, the Muslim LGBT+ group are holding their first ever festival!  Tickets are on sale now: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/imaanfest-muslim-pride-tickets-90779683477 and include low-cost tickets of Queer Muslims on a low income.  We at Bisexuals of Colour are so pleased this is happening.  LGBT+ Muslims face racism, queerphobia and Islamaphobia inside and outside of Queer communities.  This is the … Continue reading Muslim LGBT+ Pride!
Tell me about your queerness

Tell me about your queerness

CW: gender questioning, bullying I’m super insecure, about most things. Don’t be fooled by this faux-extroverted shell – I’m a bottler, a repressor, a true charlatan. This weekend I found myself in a particularly fragile state – somewhat mentally, mostly physically – and, after mistakenly assuming someone had questioned my sexuality/identity, I was asked what […]