Why it’s hard to identify as bisexual

Why it’s hard to identify as bisexual

Misconceptions and stereotypes about bisexuality are common in our society, and serve to delegitimate bisexuality as a valid sexual identity. That’s why so many people who are bisexual in orientation choose not to identify as such. There are many benefits to identifying as bisexual, but most people only do so when they’ve built enough confidence […]
5 Great Bisexual Blogs

5 Great Bisexual Blogs

Sharing in the personal thoughts and reflections of another bisexual person through a blog can be an intimate and powerful experience.  If you’re uncomfortable with your bisexuality, then witnessing others confidently identifying as bi and expressing themselves openly on a blog can be really empowering. Blogs can also help us to better understand our own […]
5 Great Bisexual Blogs

5 Great Bisexual Blogs

Sharing in the personal thoughts and reflections of another bisexual person through a blog can be an intimate and powerful experience.  If you’re uncomfortable with your bisexuality, then witnessing others confidently identifying as bi and expressing themselves openly on a blog can be really empowering. Blogs can also help us to better understand our own […]
3 reasons why identifying as bisexual will make your life better

3 reasons why identifying as bisexual will make your life better

Somewhere between 0.5% and 5% of the population self-identify as bisexual.  Many more people are attracted to both men and women, but choose not to identify themselves as bisexual. Why? The primary cause is social stigma and prejudice.  Our culture doesn’t generally recognise bisexuality as a legitimate sexual orientation.  Bisexual people receive messages from society that […]
3 reasons why identifying as bisexual will make your life better

3 reasons why identifying as bisexual will make your life better

Somewhere between 0.5% and 5% of the population self-identify as bisexual.  Many more people are attracted to both men and women, but choose not to identify themselves as bisexual. Why? The primary cause is social stigma and prejudice.  Our culture doesn’t generally recognise bisexuality as a legitimate sexual orientation.  Bisexual people receive messages from society that […]
5 Great Bisexual Coming Out Videos

5 Great Bisexual Coming Out Videos

If you’re thinking of coming out as bisexual, then learning how other bisexual people have come out can be really helpful. Coming out videos provide an intimate way of sharing in another person’s experience. Watching these videos can help you build confidence in your own bisexuality. They also provide useful practical information on how to come out. There […]