The dangerous idea of two parallel lines

The dangerous idea of two parallel lines

The great thing about being bisexual is that the stuff we care about and campaign for and everything benefits not just us but you too, even if you’re not bisexual. Prime example: there’s increasing talk lately of gay marriage.  Or, as we bisexuals (and others) like to call it, equal marriage. This is a personal [...]
We notice

We notice

“Did you enjoy Rule 34?” my husband asked when he saw it on the kitchen table.  I’d been unpacking from a holiday for which that book had been my main reading material. “I’m only halfway through it, but I am really enjoying it, yeah,” I said. “Did you notice how all the characters are LGBT?” [...]
Here’s how easy bi-inclusion is

Here’s how easy bi-inclusion is

Catholic doctors offer homeopathic ‘treatment’ for homosexuality went a headline I read on Twitter this morning. It’s a very Twitter-friendly phrase (not least because the article it links to is nine months old and I’ve not seen this mentioned on Twitter), almost asking for sarcasm and jokes from people who only have to think either [...]