2015 saw the 6th year of Big Bi Fun Day.  A suny day in…

2015 saw the 6th year of Big Bi Fun Day.  A suny day in…

2015 saw the 6th year of Big Bi Fun Day.  A suny day in Leicester saw over thirty people enjoying this relaxed, family-friendly event.  There was picnics on the grass, games to enjoy and even some free jewellery in the quiet room!

Hannah has taken over the running of this annual event, as Sanji, the original organiser has moved out of the area.  I am really happy that this great day will continue.  So next year, why not come along to Big Bi Fun Day?  It really does live up to its name!

Edited 22nd May

Big Bi Fun Day 2014 was a blast!  I had been…

Edited 22nd May Big Bi Fun Day 2014 was a blast! I had been…

Chilling out in the quiet room

The bisexual flag

Wibbly-wobbly bisexual

The front desk

Jacq and the flower sticks

Edited 22nd May

Big Bi Fun Day 2014 was a blast! I had been very unwell for a month, so I didn’t know if I would be able to make it, but I’m glad I did. The event was held in Leicester, UK, at the Quaker Friends Meeting House (although the Quakers had no involvement in the event)

The weather was sunny and incredibly hot; the garden was full of happy bi folks, their friends and families. There were quite a few children present who all enjoyed the garden facilities, although I did spot a few adults making castles in the sand pit, and taking advantage of the swings!

I found I had very little energy when I arrived, but I still had a go learning how to use flower sticks (I can twirl it now!). I also enjoyed the quiet room with the free books and games.

I returned home at 5 o’clock, totally exhausted, but I had a brilliant time. Most of the other attendees went to nearby Victoria Park for some more fun in the sun.

Big Bi Fun Day managed to raise enough money to cover their costs, so they will be back in 2015. Many thanks to Sanji for a wonderful event!