LGBT History Month so far…I’ve attended 2 events so far…

LGBT History Month so far…I’ve attended 2 events so far…

LGBT History Month so far…

I’ve attended 2 events so far for LGBT History Month.  Both events were clear that they were inclusive of bisexuals, unlike most LGBT history month events that are LGGGGGG….t

The launch of Expansions at Watney Street Library was fab!  Several artists and creators presented their work on the walls.  There was also an eclectic mix of readings and coming out stories, where I learned a new phrase for cunilingus - ice-poling!

The Bi’s of Colour celebration was held at Peckham Library.  I gave a talk on history of bisexual people of colour - from Gilgamesh to Grace Jones.  There was also a lot of excited chatting about the future of the group.

I’ve been generally disappointed by the exclusion of bisexual people in LGBT History Month (as I am every single year).  My email to the organisers was completely ignored, as white cisgender people dominate the entire month.  Saying “bisexuals are covered within LGBT content” is meaningless when we are erased nine times out of ten.

Tomorrow i’ll be off to Bristol to deliver my bisexual history talk again at the national festival event.  I was only contacted to do this because someone on the organising team realised they didn’t have ANY bisexual content.  This is beyond poor.  But this is what often seems to happen.

Lesbian and gay folks, you all need to do so much better!