Black Pride in a few pics.1st pic is of Lady Phyll (middle), the…

Black Pride in a few pics.1st pic is of Lady Phyll (middle), the…

Black Pride in a few pics.

1st pic is of Lady Phyll (middle), the creator of Black Pride!

3rd pic show two women in tartan, from the 1745 film - check it out!

I haven't been to Black Pride for a few years after getting disheartened by biphobia I experienced there.  However I am glad that I attended this year, as I was reassured that if I had any problems, I could speak to someone there.

There were an awful lot of short-shorts, gorgeous legs and fine outfits on display.  The music was fun, and watching a whole crowd of folk doing the “Lean Back” dance was enjoyable.

There were a few community stalls, and a couple of merchandise tables, but the food stalls seemed to be the most visited, with the longest queues!

I had an enjoyable time at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.  Black Pride felt very welcoming, and I look forward to returning next year.  Maybe even having a bisexual stall this time…

I attended the Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List…

I attended the Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List…

I attended the Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List ceremony on Monday 16th November 2015, as one of only a handful of bisexual people on the list.  It was great to meet some of the other people who were on the list. Sabah Choudhury, Riley Carter Millington, Rose from Black Pride, and CN Lester were all amazing and super friendly.  But a chance conversation with an attendee made me realise that he was none other than Tom Robinson, the singer-songwriter-icon!  I’ve been a fan of Tom’s work since I was a teenager.  The tune, Atmospherics (Listen to the radio) always reminds me of an unrequited love that made me yearn to be close to someone, anyone who would treat me with kindness and affection.  Growing up as I did in such an abusive and violent environment made any thoughts of being treated well seem like an impossible dream.  Meeting Tom Robinson was so great: he gave me a hug, and it almost made me cry!

The ceremony involved a lot of people drinking gallons of champagne and vodka; I had the choice of orange juice or water…  The speech was quite encouraging, there were plenty of photo opportunities, but apart from that, it felt  a bit strange.  I’m still very happy I attended with Katy from Purple Prose and the Bisexual Index.  And meeting Tom Robinson was so special too.

Thanks once again for everyone who nominated me.  I am so happy to have been included on the Rainbow List!