Muslim LGBT+ Pride!

Muslim LGBT+ Pride!

Imaan, the Muslim LGBT+ group are holding their first ever festival!  Tickets are on sale now: and include low-cost tickets of Queer Muslims on a low income.  We at Bisexuals of Colour are so pleased this is happening.  LGBT+ Muslims face racism, queerphobia and Islamaphobia inside and outside of Queer communities.  This is the … Continue reading Muslim LGBT+ Pride!
I had a wonderful time at Nottinghamshire Pride.  It was the…

I had a wonderful time at Nottinghamshire Pride.  It was the…

Kat Gupta, Maryam Bibi Din & El Dia, three of the four organisers of the Community stage.

Bi badges from Uncharted Worlds.

Pagan Pride

My British Sign Language signer was a patient soul!

Love this badge!

Two presenters from Nottingham's Trent Sound radio station

Kat enjoying the music at Nottinghamshire Pride.

I had a wonderful time at Nottinghamshire Pride.  It was the first pride festival where I performed my work.  I read my Biphobia story and my Personal Ad hell poem (I was asked to do non-smut!) on the Community stage.  It was certainly daunting to look out at all the people having picnics on the grass as I read out loud.

This was only my second time at Nottinghamshire Pride.  I got totally lost in Nottingham, but some friendly goths helped me find my way.  I felt really welcomed the whole day, which was great.

I read my pieces in the afternoon, so I had a lot of time to enjoy all the other acts including a brililant dance troupe, soulful Single Bass, and some spoken word from Seattle’s El Dia, whose Dragon Lady tune blew me away.  Maryam Bibi Din did a mythbusting piece on Queer Muslims that would have made the entire day worth it.  There was just so much to enjoy!