Tell me about your queerness

Tell me about your queerness

CW: gender questioning, bullying I’m super insecure, about most things. Don’t be fooled by this faux-extroverted shell – I’m a bottler, a repressor, a true charlatan. This weekend I found myself in a particularly fragile state – somewhat mentally, mostly physically – and, after mistakenly assuming someone had questioned my sexuality/identity, I was asked what […]
In defence of @PrideinLondon organisers: hateful #TERFs put them in an impossible position, and the @MetPoliceUK were powerless to help.

In defence of @PrideinLondon organisers: hateful #TERFs put them in an impossible position, and the @MetPoliceUK were powerless to help.

A lot has been said, including by many of my friends, about the incursion by a tiny group of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) at the start of Saturday’s Pride in London parade route, and about the apparent failure of the Pride organisers to remove them and to protect trans attendees from seeing their message… Read More
Pride in London and my Queer journey – a personal perspective and response to @LondonLGBTPride

Pride in London and my Queer journey – a personal perspective and response to @LondonLGBTPride

Yesterday’s release of the Community Advisory Board’s annual report into this year’s Pride in London, and the social media storm that followed, was an interesting and painful experience for me. Whilst the wave of euphoria that I have felt supporting the CAB from bi and queer friends, and from those who feel that Pride has… Read More