Hysterectomy: a beginning

Hysterectomy: a beginning

I almost forgot:

I no longer have a womb.

When I come crying out hard;

Swearing “Fuck!” to the ceiling,

My cunt tightens, implodes under my fingers.

The space where my womb used to be

Becomes a vacuum.

Nature may hate it, but I don’t.

For every time I come I feel a spark:

A flicker of life in my innermost parts.

Something is growing.  Something moves.

I squeeze my eyes shut.  I imagine a bloom

Of pure energy.

Drawn out of pleasure,

A hopeful alien life reaches out.

A concept that nobody spoke of,

Until they took my cervix and my womb

To save my life;

To give me something new.




Life after a hysterectomy? Yes.

Sexual desire after a hysterectomy? Yes

Mind-altering orgasms after a hysterectomy? Hell Yes!