Am I Bisexual?

Am I Bisexual?

Most bisexual people will have asked the question, ‘Am I bisexual?’, at some point in their lives. It’s understandable to feel uncertain because society feeds us a range of faulty messages about what it means to be bisexual: we’re going through a phase; we’re just confused gay or straight people; we must have equal levels […]
Am I Bisexual?

Am I Bisexual?

Most bisexual people will have asked the question, ‘Am I bisexual?’, at some point in their lives. It’s understandable to feel uncertain because society feeds us a range of faulty messages about what it means to be bisexual: we’re going through a phase; we’re just confused gay or straight people; we must have equal levels […]
Interview: Eliel Cruz

Interview: Eliel Cruz

Eliel Cruz is an articulate, passionate voice in the world of bisexual activism.  He’s a prolific journalist and vlogger, and I was delighted to include Eliel in my recent 5 Great Bisexual Blogs article. Here’s my interview with Eliel. I hope you find it useful. As Eliel says, ‘Bisexuality is valid, your experience matters, and most of […]
Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice

Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice

Identifying as bisexual can bring many benefits, but it’s not the only identity available to people who experience attraction to more than one gender.  Terms such as bicurious, heteroflexible, homoflexible, ‘mostly straight’ and ‘mostly gay’ all create spaces for people to develop new understandings and ways of expressing their sexual desires.  They can all be […]

The post Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice appeared first on Happy Bisexual.

Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice

Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice

Identifying as bisexual can bring many benefits, but it’s not the only identity available to people who experience attraction to more than one gender.  Terms such as bicurious, heteroflexible, homoflexible, ‘mostly straight’ and ‘mostly gay’ all create spaces for people to develop new understandings and ways of expressing their sexual desires.  They can all be […]
Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice

Bicurious or Bisexual? It’s Your Choice

Identifying as bisexual can bring many benefits, but it’s not the only identity available to people who experience attraction to more than one gender.  Terms such as bicurious, heteroflexible, homoflexible, ‘mostly straight’ and ‘mostly gay’ all create spaces for people to develop new understandings and ways of expressing their sexual desires.  They can all be […]
How Suppressing Unwanted Sexual Desire Impacts Bisexual Health

How Suppressing Unwanted Sexual Desire Impacts Bisexual Health

Dr David Ley’s recent Psychology Today article, which argues that closeted bisexual men are being incorrectly diagnosed as sex addicts, raises an issue of relevance to all bisexual people: namely that suppressing unwanted sexual desire can seriously impact our health and wellbeing. Ley details his clinical experience of bisexual men, married to women, who are troubled […]