Tell me about your queerness

Tell me about your queerness

CW: gender questioning, bullying I’m super insecure, about most things. Don’t be fooled by this faux-extroverted shell – I’m a bottler, a repressor, a true charlatan. This weekend I found myself in a particularly fragile state – somewhat mentally, mostly physically – and, after mistakenly assuming someone had questioned my sexuality/identity, I was asked what […]
LIFE HACK: Getting mental health care on the NHS

LIFE HACK: Getting mental health care on the NHS

CW: NHS, poor health service, navigating a stressful health service, getting a mental illness diagnosis, mention of  suicide. Navigating bureaucratic systems, especially one such as the NHS, can be a headache. It’s an institution for the people, run by certain people. Now, anything I suggest in the following post is to be taken mildly tongue […]
Positive Masculinity

Positive Masculinity

  There’s a reason why I try my hardest in life to not have a routine or schedule – taking a break. God damn it’s hard to get back into the swing of things you want to do after a few weeks of not really doing much (apart from turning a year older, a holibob […]
Enter the bi-osphere

Enter the bi-osphere

CW: biphobia, bierasure TW: biphobic comments, drug mention, cheating Bi related puns are gonna be my new thing. Hi. Sharing is caring, supposedly, so I thought I’d share a situation that occurred last week at a queer fundraiser for London’s first LGBT...
Oversimplifying mental illnesses: the reality of a diagnosis

Oversimplifying mental illnesses: the reality of a diagnosis

CW: Mental Health Treatment, Diagnosis, being diagnosed, Bipolar, BPD, Mental Illnesses, childhood trauma, the effects of mental illnesses, Eating Disorders TW: binge eating, self-harm, mania, emotional trauma, body image and self-worth ... Anxiety, de...
Mental Health vs Mental Illness

Mental Health vs Mental Illness

CW: mental health, mental illness, bipolar, BPD, eating disorders So, it’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2018. A time to shine light on pressing topics in an environment, via the main stream media and ignorant officials, that don't quite get it right. F...
The good, the bad and the ugly (of teaching)

The good, the bad and the ugly (of teaching)

CW: classism, sexism, toxic masculinity, homophobia/biphobia/transphobia mention, mental health TW: addiction, self-medicating, narcotics, alcoholism I thought I'd follow on from the theme of my last post. For a while I’ve wanted to talk about my exper...
Those that can’t do, teach

Those that can’t do, teach

CW: mention of anxiety, depression, suicide. I want to apologise in advance for those in or out of the profession – at any capacity – that most certainly can do and also teach. The titular phrasing of this post is not a dig at teachers being talentless...