I attended the Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List…

I attended the Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List…

I attended the Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/therainbowlist/rainbow-list-2015-1-to-101-a6731391.html ceremony on Monday 16th November 2015, as one of only a handful of bisexual people on the list.  It was great to meet some of the other people who were on the list. Sabah Choudhury, Riley Carter Millington, Rose from Black Pride, and CN Lester were all amazing and super friendly.  But a chance conversation with an attendee made me realise that he was none other than Tom Robinson, the singer-songwriter-icon!  I’ve been a fan of Tom’s work since I was a teenager.  The tune, Atmospherics (Listen to the radio) always reminds me of an unrequited love that made me yearn to be close to someone, anyone who would treat me with kindness and affection.  Growing up as I did in such an abusive and violent environment made any thoughts of being treated well seem like an impossible dream.  Meeting Tom Robinson was so great: he gave me a hug, and it almost made me cry!

The ceremony involved a lot of people drinking gallons of champagne and vodka; I had the choice of orange juice or water…  The speech was quite encouraging, there were plenty of photo opportunities, but apart from that, it felt  a bit strange.  I’m still very happy I attended with Katy from Purple Prose and the Bisexual Index.  And meeting Tom Robinson was so special too.

Thanks once again for everyone who nominated me.  I am so happy to have been included on the Rainbow List!

The next Bis of  Colour meetup will be on Saturday 14th…

The next Bis of  Colour meetup will be on Saturday 14th…

The next Bis of  Colour meetup will be on Saturday 14th November.  We have changed location this month.  We will be meeting up at the Southbank Centre, near the Clore Ballroom.  Nearest tube/train is Waterloo station.  http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/

Same time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Different location!

I’ll be talking a bit about relaxation, meditation and mindfulness, and bringing some neat colouring books for grown ups with me!

QTIPOC Notts – new group starting

QTIPOC Notts – new group starting

Feel out of place in a straight white world? Come to QTIPOC Notts First meeting of new queer and trans people of colour group in Notts! Gathering and conversation over food and drinks Come and share ideas, thoughts, feelings, and opinions Be a part of creating a space and building connections WHEN: Wednesday 25 Nov […]
I spoke at Queer Black Spaces 3 last night; a rare LGBT+ event…

I spoke at Queer Black Spaces 3 last night; a rare LGBT+ event…

I spoke at Queer Black Spaces 3 last night; a rare LGBT+ event in Black History Month.  During the event I listened to other Artists of Colour as they spoke about erasure of Queer people of colour in recent history, and how important archives are.  I was taken with just how much of history there is in the past 40 years, and how quickly people forget that we have even been present in that short space of time.  

Ajamu’s (pictured above with the cap) history quiz was fun, but it was obvious from all the wrong answers people gave, that little is known about UK Black LGBT+ History.  It particularly reminded me of how vital Bi’s of Colour (www.bisofcolour.tumblr.com) is, and how I really want Stage 3 of the Bi’s of Colour History Project to be fully funded.  So if you want to make a donation to this work, please visit www.gofundme.com/bochistory and help ensure that Bisexuals of Colour are never forgotten!

BiCon 2015Inclusivity has always been at the heart of my values….

BiCon 2015Inclusivity has always been at the heart of my values….

BiCon 2015

Inclusivity has always been at the heart of my values.  I’ve felt like I don’t belong, been actiely erased, dismissed and ignored for years.  BiCon, and the Bi’s of Colour group has helped combat the loneliness and isolation and otherness I’ve felt in a big way.  It’s why BiCon is the highlight of the year for me and so many others.

This year I gave a presentation with two other bisexuals of colour on what we have been up to as a group for the last five years, since the group’s formation.  It was wonderful to see how things had changed, and how much more of an accepting place BiCon has become.  But more needs to change.  During the weekend, I was spoken to in a really harsh manner by a few people who treated me like a research subject, instead of a human being.  The middle-class, white, academic bias many attendees have ingrained in their psyche, was something I found disappointing.  This came to the fore, both in casual meetups over lunch and dinner, and also in a few workshops (especially the nonbinary gender one).

There were some wonderful things that eclipsed the bad this year: there were 19 bisexuals of colour in attendance at the Bi’s of Colour session.  We raised £190 for the Bi’s of Colour History Project www.gofundme.com/bochistory , and the Steven Universe Sing-along was one of the most enjoyable sessions I’ve taken part in!

BiCon 2015 took place in Nottingham University.

BiCon 2016 will be at the University of Preston.




UKiP aim to march at London LGBT Pride.  For those not in the know, UKIP are a political party that wants the UK to have laws in place that would stop HIV+ people entering the country.  They want Christians to be able to discriminate against LGBT people.  They want Immigrants out, and whites in.  This party is incredibly poisonous.  However they have a LGBT group, and this group wants to join in pride, complete with UKIP banners and a sense of hatred.

London Pride has a history of being aimed at white gay men, with anyone else pretty much ignored.  UKIP marching at Pride isn’t just something that will affect People of Colour though; it affects everyone.  UKIP may not have a policy on LGBT people, but their councillors have said some very LGBT-phobic things in the past.  There is no place for them at this celebration.

On a personal note, I have recently taken over as the Black and Minority Ethnic persons rep on the Pride Community Advisory Board.  I wasn’t told that UKIP were marching on the parade.  It was only by accident that I found out about it. I feel that the officers of Pride have ignored non-white LGBT folks yet again.  But this time I am not going to be silent, and you don’t have to be either.

Send an email to http://prideinlondon.org/contacts/ and let them know what you think.

You can also sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/the-board-and-senior-team-pride-in-london-board-remove-ukip-from-london-pride-march-2015

Older Bisexual Meetup

Older Bisexual Meetup

I attended the Older Bisexual Meetup on Monday 17th November. It was held at Age Uk’s Camden Office at Tavistock Square, London. The group meets on a monthly basis from 6-8pm. The venue is very accessible, and the meetup took place in a large airy room on the ground floor. Nickie, the host, said we had to move to that room as the meeting was so well attended that they had run out of space in their usual location! There were eleven people on the night I visited. In a rare event, there were more men present than women, which was a surprise to me. Everyone was friendly, and the attendees came from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities. Kate, who works for Opening Doors, and Nickie had provided a range of refreshments which was very welcome, especially as some of the attendees had come to the meeting straight after work.

The group is aimed at any bisexual person who is over 50, or who is interested in life for bisexuals over 50. I am not their target audience for age, but I have worries about how my life will be when I’m older. I’ve heard of too many LGBT people who are forced back in the closet when they enter care homes, and of the way the LGBT scene is often aimed at those who are young. When I include elements such as racism, sexism and biphobia into this, I feel justified to have worries.

The meetup itself was quite easy-going. I spoke a little about my volunteering role at the Terrence Higgin’s Trust project for people over 50 living with HIV. That led to a discussion on safer sex for older people which proved useful to some attendees. Kate Harad was also present; she spoke about the project “Purple Prose” a proposed guide for bisexual people in the U.K. There will be a chapter on bisexuality through our lifetime. Several attendees were excited about the project, and gave some suggestions and comments about how they could get involved.

The night came to an end at 8pm. There was a flurry of people swapping contact details, and a lot of smiles. I had a very pleasant time, and was thankful that groups like this exist.

The next meetup will be on 15th December 2014

Health, Wealth and Happiness http://www.tht.org.uk/myhiv/Staying-healthy/Health-Wealth-and-Happiness
Purple Prose http://loveandzombies.co.uk/purple-prose-a-uk-bisexual-guide/
Age UK http://www.ageuk.org.uk
Opening Doors London http://openingdoorslondon.org.uk
Older Bisexual Meetup http://www.meetup.com/london-bisexuals/events/218775112/