Say so long to ‘straight-passing’

Say so long to ‘straight-passing’

CW: bullying, homophobia, homophobic slurs/tropes, violence Straight passing. I’m conflicted. After reading a post by the other week, I’ve been chewing this over again. It isn’t the first time, won’t be the last time. It certainly isn’t a fun thing to have to contemplate, but ultimately, I’m not on board with it. I remember […]
Tell me about your queerness

Tell me about your queerness

CW: gender questioning, bullying I’m super insecure, about most things. Don’t be fooled by this faux-extroverted shell – I’m a bottler, a repressor, a true charlatan. This weekend I found myself in a particularly fragile state – somewhat mentally, mostly physically – and, after mistakenly assuming someone had questioned my sexuality/identity, I was asked what […]
Positive Masculinity

Positive Masculinity

  There’s a reason why I try my hardest in life to not have a routine or schedule – taking a break. God damn it’s hard to get back into the swing of things you want to do after a few weeks of not really doing much (apart from turning a year older, a holibob […]
The good, the bad and the ugly (of teaching)

The good, the bad and the ugly (of teaching)

CW: classism, sexism, toxic masculinity, homophobia/biphobia/transphobia mention, mental health TW: addiction, self-medicating, narcotics, alcoholism I thought I'd follow on from the theme of my last post. For a while I’ve wanted to talk about my exper...
Men too

Men too

TW: Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, blackmail, childhood trauma, sexualisation of children, relationships and sex, abuse.   I struggled to title this in a way that wasn’t completely misleading and not intrusive to certain movements. It is...
The skin I live in

The skin I live in

CW: Mental Health, Mental Illness, Eating Disorders, Mental/Emotional Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Toxic Masculinity TW: Weight, Body Image, Body Dysmorphia, Mental Abuse, Abusive Slurs and Cusses, Familial Issues and Parental Problems. No, I’m not writing...